Hello, friends!
It's May already! The next dance at Rainbow Squares is not falling on Star Wars Day (May the fourth) -- it's off by one day. We can celebrate it properly next year when 2019-05-04 will be a Saturday.
In the meantime, join us at Rainbow Squares tonight with Virgil Forbes calling the squares and Lou Torti cuing the rounds.
(Begin Darth Vader voice)
You do not yet realize your importance [to completing our squares].
... Join us, and [we] will complete your training.
(End Darth Vader voice)
(apologies for shamelessly plagiarizing from "The Empire Strikes Back")
Darth Vader was kidding, of course -- Saturdays are for dancing. Square dance lessons are on Tuesdays at 7 pm.
Enough flights of fancy -- back to reality!
Tonight's dance: Saturday, 2018-05-05
7:30 pm to 08:00 pm: Pre-Rounds
8:00 pm to 10:30 pm: 2 x 2 Squares & Rounds
Experience the excellent wood floor in climate-controlled comfort.
Milmay Fire Hall
225 Broad Street (Rt. 552)
Milmay, NJ 08340-9900
Google Maps:
Note: This post is a copy of a broadcast email.