Check out the pictures on Facebook!
Doug Kauffman and Julie Dixon at Rainbow Squares on Saturday, 2018-11-03
Hello, friends!
The end of Daylight Saving Time is upon us. Clock time in most of the USA will jump backward one hour at 02:00 early Sunday morning, 2018-11-04. Many people react to that with a sentiment like "Woo hoo! One more hour of sleep!"
That's a good reason to come to Rainbow Squares on Saturday, 2018-11-03. Enjoy Doug Kauffman calling the squares and Julie Dixon cuing the rounds, knowing that extra slumber awaits you when you get home.
Saturday, 2018-11-03
7:30 pm to 08:00 pm: Pre-Rounds
8:00 pm to 10:30 pm: 2 x 2 Squares
Note: All times are still Eastern Daylight Time!
Experience the excellent wood floor in climate-controlled comfort.
Milmay Fire Hall
225 Broad Street (Rt. 552)
Milmay, NJ 08340-9900
Google Maps:
Note: This post is a copy of a broadcast email.
Rainbow Squares: Class progress report for week #04
Hello, friends.
The square dance classes at Rainbow Squares are moving along. We have had four sessions. Classes are on Tuesday nights from 7pm to 9pm at the Milmay Fire Hall. Experienced club members are welcome to be angels at the lessons. Come out to week #05 on Tuesday, 2018-10-29!
Here is a summary of what has been covered so far. Each night included substantial review of the previous week's material. Check out the links after the summary: they point to videos that show people performing the calls. There is also a link to the Taminations web site.
Night #01: 2018-10-02 First introductory night
Circle left/right
Heads/Sides/Everyone, Forward and Back (move up to the middle and back)
Allemande Left
Right and Left Grand
Weave the Ring
Pass Through
U-Turn back
Courtesy Turn
Couples Promenade: Full, half, three-quarters
Single File Promenade (inside the square)
Star Promenade
Two Ladies Chain: half, three-quarters.
Four Ladies Chain: half, three-quarters.
Right and Left Through
Grand Square
Night #02: 2018-10-09 Second introductory night
Lead Right, Lead Left
Veer Left, Veer Right
Bend the Line
Night #03: 2018-10-16 Third introductory night
Wheel Around
Men or Women Left/Right Star
Facing couples Left/Right Star
Square Through (normal: 4 hands)
Star Through
Slide Through
Night #04: 2018-10-23 Normal night: generally no new students now (unless exceptional circumstance)
Square Through (3, 2, even the rarely-used Square Through 1)
Half Sashay
Ladies In, Men Sashay
Men In, Ladies Sashay
Roll Away with a Half Sashay
Chain Down the Line
Wheel and Deal (from two-faced lines)
Here are the links.
The first link has a list of the videos and which calls are demonstrated in each one.
The second link lists the square dance calls in alphabetical order and has a link to the video with its demonstration.
These videos can be useful, basic reminders of how to do calls already learned. The videos generally show each call from a single formation.
The third link will take you to the Taminations web site. It has animations of square dance calls using squares for men and circles for ladies. For each call, it demonstrates the paths each person follows from a variety of formations.
There is also a Taminations app for phones and tablets with support for several platforms: Apple iOS, Google Android, Amazon Kindle. One benefit of the app is that it does not need an internet connection once it's installed: everything is preloaded onto your device. That helps at the Milmay Fire Hall, where cell-phone service ebbs and flows over the building like an invisible tide.
Note: This post is a copy of a broadcast email.
Art LaVigne and Lou Torti at Rainbow Squares on Saturday, 2018-10-20
Hello, friends!
Don't pace at home all night waiting for the PowerBall drawing! Push PowerBall fever out of your mind and put that energy to better use by coming to Rainbow Squares tonight (Saturday) to enjoy Art LaVigne calling the squares and Lou Torti cuing the rounds.
Hailing from Hagerstown, MD, Art LaVigne called at Rainbow Squares back in June. Get more information about him (including pictures!) at his web site:
Saturday, 2018-10-20
7:30 pm to 08:00 pm: Pre-Rounds
8:00 pm to 10:30 pm: 2 x 2 Squares
Experience the excellent wood floor in climate-controlled comfort.
Milmay Fire Hall
225 Broad Street (Rt. 552)
Milmay, NJ 08340-9900
Google Maps:
Note: This post is a copy of a broadcast email.
Rainbow Squares: new classes intro session Tuesday, 2018-10-16
Spread the word!
Rainbow Squares is sponsoring Square Dance lessons for beginners on Tuesday nights from 7pm to 9pm.
Prospective new students can come to any of three introductory sessions with no obligation:
Oct. 02, 2018 (already happened)
Oct. 09, 2018 (already happened)
Oct. 16, 2018 (last chance!)
The first night for each person is free. After that, the fee is $5 per person per class.
The class will be closed to beginners after the three intro sessions. Starting Oct. 23, 2018, our instructor will begin covering new material.
Bring your friends. Show them what square dancing is all about.
They can enjoy great physical and mental exercise at a social get-together with light snacks and beverages.
Casual attire is perfectly acceptable. Dress comfortably.
Experienced club members are welcome to participate as angels.
Tuesday, October 16, 2018, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Milmay Fire Hall
225 Broad Street (Rt. 552)
Milmay, NJ 08340-9900
Google Maps:
For information, contact:
Ralph Trout (Instructor)
Lynn Powell-Heulings (President, Rainbow Squares)
Note: This post is a copy of a broadcast email.
Rainbow Squares: new classes intro session Tuesday, 2018-10-09
Spread the word!
Rainbow Squares is sponsoring Square Dance lessons for beginners on Tuesday nights from 7pm to 9pm.
Prospective new students can come to any of three introductory sessions with no obligation:
Oct. 02, 2018 (already happened)
Oct. 09, 2018 (next chance)
Oct. 16, 2018 (last chance!)
The first night for each person is free. After that, the fee is $5 per person per class.
The class will be closed to beginners after the three intro sessions. Starting Oct. 23, 2018, our instructor will begin covering new material.
Bring your friends. Show them what square dancing is all about.
They can enjoy great physical and mental exercise at a social get-together with light snacks and beverages.
Casual attire is perfectly acceptable. Dress comfortably.
Experienced club members are welcome to participate as angels.
Saturday, October 09, 2018, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Milmay Fire Hall
225 Broad Street (Rt. 552)
Milmay, NJ 08340-9900
Google Maps:
For information, contact:
Ralph Trout (Instructor)
Lynn Powell-Heulings (President, Rainbow Squares)
Note: This post is a copy of a broadcast email.
Dan and Kathy Koft at Rainbow Squares on Saturday, 2018-10-06
Hello, friends!
The last time that the Kofts were scheduled at Rainbow Squares was 17 days before the Vernal Equinox (a.k.a. the start of spring) back in March. The encore will be 14 days after the Autumnal Equinox. Do some belated equinoctial celebrating at Rainbow Squares this Saturday with Dan Koft calling the squares and Kathy Koft cuing the rounds.
(I had to consult Wiktionary to find the adjective form of "equinox": I didn't know the word "equinoctial" before. Source: )
Saturday, 2018-10-06
7:30 pm to 08:00 pm: Pre-Rounds
8:00 pm to 10:30 pm: 2 x 2 Squares
Experience the excellent wood floor in climate-controlled comfort.
Milmay Fire Hall
225 Broad Street (Rt. 552)
Milmay, NJ 08340-9900
Google Maps:
Note: This post is a copy of a broadcast email.
Ed Foote and Lou Torti at Rainbow Squares on Saturday, 2018-09-29
Hello, friends!
Four months in 2018 have five Saturdays. Tonight is one of them. Come out to Rainbow Squares to celebrate this extra night of fun, where Ed Foote will be calling the squares and Lou Tori will be cueing the rounds.
Saturday, 2018-09-29
7:30 pm to 08:00 pm: Pre-Rounds
8:00 pm to 10:30 pm: 2 x 2 Squares & Rounds
Experience the excellent wood floor in climate-controlled comfort.
Milmay Fire Hall
225 Broad Street (Rt. 552)
Milmay, NJ 08340-9900
Google Maps:
Note: This post is a copy of a broadcast email.
Open House / Introduction to Square Dancing at Rainbow Squares — Saturday, Sept. 22, 2018
Spread the word!
Rainbow Squares is sponsoring an Open House / FREE night of square dancing for beginners.
Bring your friends. Show them what square dancing is all about.
They can enjoy great exercise at a social get-together with light snacks and beverages.
Casual attire is perfectly acceptable. Dress comfortably.
Saturday, September 22, 2018, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Milmay Fire Hall
225 Broad Street (Rt. 552)
Milmay, NJ 08340-9900
Google Maps:
For information, contact:
Ralph Trout (Instructor)
Lynn Powell-Heulings (President, Rainbow Squares)
Note: This post is a copy of a broadcast email.
Ralph Trout and John Toll at Rainbow Squares on Saturday, 2018-09-15
Hello, friends!
Join Rainbow Squares this Saturday for a some mid-September fun with Ralph Trout calling the squares and John Toll cuing the rounds.
This just in: we have reports that John Toll will be retiring from round dance cuing soon. This will be his last time cuing at Rainbow Squares. Join us as we wish him well FACE TO FACE: he may WALTZ AWAY in a TRAVELLING BOX with his possessions in SIDECAR POSITION; perhaps he'll make a POINT to MANEUVER later to get some time in NEW YORK, then PIVOT back home.
(Note: I don't really know cuing terms; I found a list of them at . The alternative was trying to come up with witty content using words like "cue ball", "cue bid", "cue card" -- it didn't work out. I did come across "cueca", a lively South American dance, which was a pleasing dance-related coincidence)
Saturday, 2018-09-15
7:30 pm to 08:00 pm: Pre-Rounds
8:00 pm to 10:30 pm: 2 x 2 Squares & Rounds
Experience the excellent wood floor in climate-controlled comfort.
Milmay Fire Hall
225 Broad Street (Rt. 552)
Milmay, NJ 08340-9900
Google Maps:
Note: This post is a copy of a broadcast email.