One More Dance: Same Hall, Unusual Day
Join Rainbow Squares for one more Tuesday-in-November dance with caller Ralph Trout.
This will be a Mainstream / Plus / Level-of-the-floor dance, with Ralph switching to workshop mode when he spots problems.
Come out for cheap fun in Milmay: a bargain at $5/person.
Tuesday, 2018-11-20
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Note 1: All times are now Eastern Standard Time! No more Daylight Saving Time!
Note 2: We will still have our normal dances on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays. These are additional dances, not replacements.
Experience the excellent wood floor in climate-controlled comfort.
Milmay Fire Hall
225 Broad Street (Rt. 552)
Milmay, NJ 08340-9900
Google Maps:
Note: This post is a copy of a broadcast email.