Hello, friends.
The square dance classes at Rainbow Squares are moving along. We have had four sessions. Classes are on Tuesday nights from 7pm to 9pm at the Milmay Fire Hall. Experienced club members are welcome to be angels at the lessons. Come out to week #05 on Tuesday, 2018-10-29!
Here is a summary of what has been covered so far. Each night included substantial review of the previous week's material. Check out the links after the summary: they point to videos that show people performing the calls. There is also a link to the Taminations web site.
Night #01: 2018-10-02 First introductory night
Circle left/right
Heads/Sides/Everyone, Forward and Back (move up to the middle and back)
Allemande Left
Right and Left Grand
Weave the Ring
Pass Through
U-Turn back
Courtesy Turn
Couples Promenade: Full, half, three-quarters
Single File Promenade (inside the square)
Star Promenade
Two Ladies Chain: half, three-quarters.
Four Ladies Chain: half, three-quarters.
Right and Left Through
Grand Square
Night #02: 2018-10-09 Second introductory night
Lead Right, Lead Left
Veer Left, Veer Right
Bend the Line
Night #03: 2018-10-16 Third introductory night
Wheel Around
Men or Women Left/Right Star
Facing couples Left/Right Star
Square Through (normal: 4 hands)
Star Through
Slide Through
Night #04: 2018-10-23 Normal night: generally no new students now (unless exceptional circumstance)
Square Through (3, 2, even the rarely-used Square Through 1)
Half Sashay
Ladies In, Men Sashay
Men In, Ladies Sashay
Roll Away with a Half Sashay
Chain Down the Line
Wheel and Deal (from two-faced lines)
Here are the links.
The first link has a list of the videos and which calls are demonstrated in each one.
The second link lists the square dance calls in alphabetical order and has a link to the video with its demonstration.
These videos can be useful, basic reminders of how to do calls already learned. The videos generally show each call from a single formation.
The third link will take you to the Taminations web site. It has animations of square dance calls using squares for men and circles for ladies. For each call, it demonstrates the paths each person follows from a variety of formations.
There is also a Taminations app for phones and tablets with support for several platforms: Apple iOS, Google Android, Amazon Kindle. One benefit of the app is that it does not need an internet connection once it's installed: everything is preloaded onto your device. That helps at the Milmay Fire Hall, where cell-phone service ebbs and flows over the building like an invisible tide.
Note: This post is a copy of a broadcast email.